
LPLN REGENERATIVE READS 5, Wednesday 15th April

Bringing Back the Bush, by Joan Bradley “Bringing back the bush is a gentle art, demanding a strong will and patience” Joan Bradley A quote from the introduction of this book that I often keep in mind.This is a classic resource for revegetation projects and has provided the basis for many resources and publications. Joan […]

LPLN REGENERATIVE READS 5, Wednesday 15th April Read More »

Supporting new pest animal and weed control tools and technologies

Pest animals & weeds cost our farmers around $4 billion every year. Funding is now available to improve how they are managed in Australia. To be eligible for funding, projects must propose to develop a chemical, biological or physical control tool or technology to manage one or more established pest animals (excluding invertebrates) and/or weeds

Supporting new pest animal and weed control tools and technologies Read More »

Mapping Wheel Cactus Infestations

Wheel cactus is showing signs of being one of our most serious weed problems in the near future. We have a severe infestation on Mt Buckrabanyule, with pockets of infestations appearing on granitic country, but also now appearing across the plains.  http://connectingcountry.org.au/08/mapping-wheel-cactus-infestations-in-victoria-2/ You can help us map existing infestations. If any community member finds an

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HAVE YOUR SAY – Management of invasive animals on crown land

Do you have thoughts on the management of invasive animals on crown land? A Victorian parliamentary committee has launched an inquiry into invasive animals on Crown land. The Environment, Natural Resources and Regional Development Committee is inviting community input to the inquiry so that it can identify the scale of the problem in Victoria and

HAVE YOUR SAY – Management of invasive animals on crown land Read More »

Green Army opportunities in our area

The Green Army is an Australian Government initiative that helps connect young Australians with meaningful work through environmental and conservation projects across the nation. The Green Army can provide you with skills, training and experience to improve your employment prospects while you work on projects that generate real and lasting benefits for the environment and

Green Army opportunities in our area Read More »