Two FREE workshops on 5th November – LPLN Network Grant


As part of the LPLN Network Grant, we are happy to offer this great opportunity

There will be two FREE workshops on Sunday 5th of November at the Wedderburn Community House.

You can attend either or both workshops, and morning tea will be provided between the two sessions

The 9:00 am workshop is on how to use the simple mapping program, Avenza (which is free to download and use on Android phones or tablets). We will have plenty of Samsung Tablets to use (or you can bring your own device if you wish). This is a great way to map out sightings, areas of weed, accurately map out paddocks, record walking tracks etc.


The 11:00 am workshop is on how to use the NatureShare website This is a great site, where you can share images of our local biodiversity and view what else has been sighted in our local area.

Hope to see you there, but don’t forget to RSVP to