Wheel Cactus Injecting

Even a very bad weather forecast did not deter a hardy band of 8 volunteers from Wedderburn Conservation Management Network and Wychitella Landcare group joining 6 Parks Victoria Staff at “The Granites” (Mt Eggbert). The task was – to perform some concerted work on injecting wheel cactus in the adjacent public land managed by Parks

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I left Wedderburn early on the morning of 10th June for Bendigo in order to board a mini bus organized by North Central CMA to visit the Biorich Demonstration site at Lal Lal near Ballarat. The attraction of this project for me was to see at first hand revegetation work which was utilizing the natural

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Topic of Taste

FAMILIES gathered at Kamarooka to learn about the impact of salt on theenvironment during Saltwatch Week. North Central Waterwatch, Bendigo Family Nature Club and Northern United Forestry Group hosted the family day at Kamarooka on Sunday 22 May 2011. Children were able to explore, taste and see first-hand the impact of salt on the environment.North

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