On-Farm Composting Field Day

Compost flyer photo

Learn how to undertake on-farm composting to improve crop yield and pasture productivity. This free field day includes:

Soils Specialist Declan McDonald (DEPI) discussing the compost making process, suitable components and potential benefits

Slobodan Vujovic (Compost Victoria) and Matt Stanelos (Veolia) presenting on emerging markets for recycled organic compost and composting processes explained

Travis Howard, a farmer from Cohuna, will talk about his compost making experience. A visit to a local farm trialling compost production and use will follow the presentations at the Yarrawalla Hall.

Thursday 13 March
Yarrawalla Hall,
Yarrawalla South Road, Yarrawalla

RSVP by Tuesday March 11 to the North Central CMA on 03 5448 7124 or by email info@nccma.vic.gov.au

This event is funded by the Australian Government through the Loddon Plains Landcare Network, the North Central CMA’s Regional Landcare Facilitator and Regional Sustainable Agriculture projects and is supported by Compost Victoria and the Department of Environment and Primary Industries ‘Land Health Program’.

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