Some weeks ago I attended the Norman Wettenhall foundation workshop which was held at the Ceres Environmental Centre in Melbourne. As a member of the deputation from the Loddon Plains Landcare Network which also included Mal Brown, Jean McClymont and Leah Cripps (Project Officer of the LPLN) we were involved in discussions aimed at sharing the challenges and progress of the five Natural Resource Management groups funded by the foundation.
Other groups involved in the valuable discussions were members from the Connecting Country Project (Mt Alexander Shire), the Beyond Bolac Project, the JARR Project ( Jack and Albert River Restoration) and the Otway Agroforestry Network and the Upper Barwon Landcare Network – Otway L.E.A.F. Project (linking environment and farms).
A theme common to all projects was that of developing biodiversity blueprints for each project area and much discussion was centred around this subject. The Loddon Plains Landcare network although the “youngster” in this group is well on track in this aspect as our Project Officer goes about the business of collecting information from the thirteen member groups of the LPLN. The Wedderburn CMN is a strong supporter of the united efforts of the Loddon Plains Landcare Network.
Michael Moore, photo – round table discussion at Ceres Centre