Scholarships – Andrews Government Invests In Our Young Farmers

The Andrews Labor Government will provide funding grants to help young farmers boost their skills and become better equipped to face the farming challenges and opportunities of the future.

Scholarships of up to $10,000 are available to farmers and farm workers under the age of 35 to help them boost development and career progression in the industry.

The funding consists of $5,000 towards study backed by a further $5,000 to invest on-farm or in professional development activities to help put new skills into practice.

The scholarship program is designed to be flexible to fit in with the demands and ambitions of young farmers and farm workers.

Examples of eligible courses include a Diploma in Agriculture, Human Resources training, Business Management , a Diploma of Agribusiness Management and a range of on-farm technical training.

Young people with an interest in agriculture are also encouraged to contribute to the conversation that will help shape future programs and activities, supporting the development of our next generation of food and fibre producers.

More information about the Young Farmer Scholarship Program and the Young Farmers Ministerial Advisory Council is available at

Applications for the Young Farmers Scholarship Program close on 26 August, 2016.

“The Andrews Labor Government is investing in the future of farming by helping upskill our young people working within the industry.”  Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford

“The outlook for farming is very positive with growing export markets on our doorstep and a world-class food and fibre sector already punching above its weight – this is why we need to ensure we have the agricultural leaders of tomorrow getting the right support today.”  Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford