Landscape Restoration Project – Project Officer Position

Project Officer Position – Part-time (2-3 days/wk) Short term contract (6 months)

The Norman Wettenhall Foundation has provided a grant to the Loddon Plains Landcare Network Inc. for a landscape restoration project across the network’s area in North Central Victoria. Applications are sought from suitably experienced persons for the role of Project Officer to work with the Landcare and Conservation Groups in the network to develop an area-wide biodiversity plan. The plan will identify existing natural assets, threatening processes, priorities for protection, enhancement and restoration including potential landscape-scale biolinks. Importantly, the blueprint will include a social/cultural overlay that captures community interest and builds on work the community has already done.

Organisational skills and the ability to engage with the community is a vital part of the role. Community ownership of the project is critical to its success. The Project Officer will work closely with the Network’s Committee of Management.

The position description can be downloaded from

Applications in writing close 5.00 pm 27 August 2010