Farm Chemical Users Course – Inglewood


The Inglewood Community Resource Centre (ICRC) in conjunction with Bendigo TAFE, is running two Farm Chemical Users Courses in Inglewood in March. The two courses available are:

Farm Chemical Users Course: 19th, 20th & 21st March 2013 (download flyer)

Farm Chemical Users Refresher Chemical Risk Management: 22nd March 2013 (download flyer)

Both courses will be run at The Royal Hotel, 67 Brooke St, Inglewood.

The Loddon Plains Landcare Network has funding to support network members to complete the course. Subsidised spots are available for individuals who are able to volunteer time spraying Bridal Creeper in Inglewood or Bridgewater later in the year.

For more information on this opportunity, contact the LPLN Facilitator, Anthony Gallacher.