CFI Field Trip to Western Victoria – EOI’s close soon


NCCMA Carbon Farming Field Trip to western Victoria – Expressions of Interest (EOI) close soon!

EOIs are now being accepted for a two-day Carbon Farming Field Trip to western Victoria on Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 April.

All participants will visit the first Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) revegetation project in Victoria.  The mixed species environmental planting has been established by farmers Peter and Christine Forster at Bullock Hills.

Participants will also get to visit one of the following two properties:

Sponsorship will cover the cost of bus travel (from Bendigo or Maryborough), accommodation (private motel room) and all meals.

For further information please refer to the flyer and EOI form on the North Central CMA’s

The field trip is open to farmers and Landcare members in the North Central CMA region.  To apply please fill in and submit the EOI form to the North Central CMA by 5 pm Tuesday 2 April.  Places are strictly limited!