LPLN Volunteer Bird Monitoring Program

A happy family of Grey–crowned Babblers – adults identified by their pale eye and youngsters with their dark eye. PHOTO: Chris Tzaros (Birds Bush and Beyond). 


The LPLN Volunteer Bird Monitoring project is part of the Loddon Plains Landcare Network’s aim to develop a greater understanding of the biodiversity within the Network’s area. The community bird monitoring project will form a baseline for ongoing data collection to observe trends and changes in bird numbers and biodiversity. Monitoring will be undertaken at 45 sites ranging from high quality remnants to isolated corridors.

Data is collected by local community volunteers every season through the 2 hectare, 20 minute bird survey methodology.

An initial data survey was undertaken by Chris Tzaros (Birds, Bush and Beyond) in summer 2014 to set the program up and data is submitted to Birdlife Australia, contributing to a national dataset.

If you are interested in participating in the bird monitoring please get in touch.

All, levels are welcome to start participating in the program, with opportunities to learn from or accompany more experienced volunteers to develop knowledge.

GOANNA bird monitoring video