Loddon Plains Landcare Network Community Workshop Series

Loddon Plains Landcare Network invites all interested community members to attend one of three Landcare Workshops.
The workshops will run as follows:
Workshop 1 Wedderburn Community Centre, May 2nd
Workshop 2 Serpentine Bowling Club, May 9th
Workshop 3 Dingee, East Loddon P-12 College, May 16th
7.00 pm
Supper provided

7.30 pm
Laurie Maxted, President, Loddon Plains Landcare Network

7.35 pm
GOANNA Project
Local groups and the blueprint for landscape restoration across the Loddon Plains
Anthony Gallacher, Landcare Facilitator, Loddon Plains Landcare Network

8.10 pm
Victorian 2012 Landcare Grants
A funding opportunity
Jodie Odgers, Regional Landcare Coordinator, North Central CMA

8.35 pm
2012-18 Regional Catchment Strategy
Regional priorities and your local patch
North Central CMA representative

9.00 pm

For catering purposes please RSVP to Anthony Gallacher by the Friday before each event, by phone 5446 9249, moblie 0447 095 501 or email anthony.gallacher@gmail.com.