3CA Grants Program

Hello folks,

As part of DELWP’s Community Climate Change Adaptation  program, a suite of grants are available for many projects in order to build resilience to climate change impacts within local communities. An information webinar session has been scheduled on Thursday, 14 February 2019, from 1pm to 2pm 

Interested participants can register for the 3CA Grants webinar via the following link:  https://login.redbackconferencing.com.au/landers/page/aa9f74

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) is delivering a small grants program to build resilience to climate change impacts through community-driven adaptation activities that address identified gaps and priorities in Victoria’s regions.

The 3CA Grants program will:

  • identify and support practical projects focused on adaptation activities with clear community benefit;
  • foster partnerships between communities, local governments and regional stakeholders on adaptation; and
  • generate and share lessons on good practice approaches to community adaptation.

The 3CA Grants program is part of the Victorian Government’s Supporting our Regions to Adapt initiative, a three-year program providing practical support for communities to prepare for the challenges of a changing climate. It supports outcomes from Victoria’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2017-2020.

Key dates

Applications open: Wednesday 16 January 2019

Applications close: 11:59pm Sunday 31 March 2019

What funding is available?

In total, the available funding for the 3CA Grants program is $1,000,000.

  • Grants between $25,000 to $75,000 will be awarded.
  • Projects must be completed no later than 31st December 2020.

Who can apply?

The 3CA Grants program provides funding for local communities to adapt to climate change impacts in their region of Victoria.

Eligible projects must either be led by, or implemented in partnership with, a local council, traditional owner corporation, community group, or not-for-profit organisation.

What type of projects might be funded?

This program will fund two categories of projects:

Building Adaptive Capacity

These projects will aim to build the capacity of communities or regions to better plan for, coordinate and deliver actions that support communities to adapt to current or future climate change impacts.

Delivering Adaptation Action

Delivering Adaptation Action projects will implement practical actions that will support communities and regions to adapt to current or future climate change impacts.

For more information on climate change impacts and climate change adaptation priorities and gaps in your region of Victoria please refer to the relevant Regional Climate Change Adaptation Snapshot Report.
