Farm Risk Management Grants

The Victorian Government’s Farm Risk Management Grants program opened Friday 1 July 2016.Farm Risk Manangement Grant Guidelines


The program supports drought affected farmers with business planning, training and on-farm preparedness.

The program provides eligible farm businesses with up to $10,000 to improve risk management and drought preparedness practices and enhance overall farm performance.

Eligible farmers in the following local government areas are encouraged to apply: Buloke, Yarriambiack, Loddon, Northern Grampians, Horsham, Hindmarsh, Gannawarra, Pyrenees, Central Goldfields, West Wimmera and Ararat.

The $1.5 million Farm Risk Management Grants program is part of the Victorian Government’s $27 million Drought Response Package. The Package targets north west Victoria, which has been most seriously impacted by drought over a prolonged period.

Rural Finance will deliver the grants on behalf of the Victorian Government. To find out more or to apply,
contact Rural Finance on 1800 260 425 or visit

Malcolm Brown
Drought Response – Stakeholder and Community Engagement
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources
Level 26, 1 Spring St Melbourne VIC 3000 | P: (03) 8392 7188
Agriculture Victoria

Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, Government of
Victoria, Victoria, Australia.